Thursday, May 9, 2013

I have arrived safely!

Hello all! I have made it safe and sound! A big thank you to all the love and support I have received. It has been greatly appreciated. It meets the world to me. I am also thrilled to announce that I am at $1,955 out of $10,000 that needs to be raised for my year long experience here. I am thrilled. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I got into Guatemala around 11:30 yesterday morning. 1:30pm Virginia time for those following me at home. I had to be at the airport in Virginia at 4:00 am yesterday so needless to say I got very little sleep (45 minutes). My flight consisted of sleeping and more sleeping. Once I landed in Guatemala a HSP driver met me, Fernando, and we proceeded from there. The ride should have been 4 hours to Xela, but it ended up being more like 5 due to the several errands we had to run along the way. It was actually really cool because we had to stop to pick up medicinal plants from a botanic garden for the medicinal garden a women'c circle is starting in the community of Llanos del Pinal. We picked up over 200 plants. I felt like I was back working as a gardener at Mount Vernon. It was great! They even taught me the beneficial properties to all of them . . . can I remember them now, no, but I remember some. Did you know a stem of rosemary can purify water! Too cool. Anyways, I love being back here and I am settling in nicely. I have already put in an almost full day of work in the office today so that is great! As far as organizing my personal life my room is a bit of a disaster right now, but it will get better. Making dinner might be a struggle as I don't have a pantry set up yet, but I bought a few things at the market today that I am excited to try and cook with. We shall see if it ends up being tasty. I hope so! I'm going to go try them out now. Love ya'll!

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