Sunday, May 12, 2013

60 is a big number!

HAPPY 60TH BIRTHDAY, DADDY!!!! I am so lucky that my family was able to celebrate my dad's birthday with me last weekend, but today is the official day! I am so sorry that I am not able to be there in person! He is the most kind man I have ever met and I don't know what I would do without him. Thank you, Dad for being so incredible. I'm sorry I can't be there for your special day. Also, HAPPY OFFICIAL US MOTHER'S DAY, MOMMY!!! I also wish I could be there to celebrate with you. I could not ask for a better role model! I'm missing you all terribly! I have the best family ever! On the Guatemalan Adventure portion of my life . . . I am beginning Spanish classes tomorrow and I will also be leading my first group of the summer tomorrow. I will be leading/translating for the group in the mornings and the classes are from 2:00pm to 7:00 pm in the evenings. I am about to have some long days, but Lord knows I need the practice. I was invited to a Mediterranean themed dinner/girls night last night and all day today I have not been able to stop thinking about all the wonderful food we all made. But what was so amazing about this group of girls is that they are from all over the world; Holland, Britain, Canada, Finland, and the US and the girl that has been there the shortest amount of time is 8 months and the girl that has been here the longest is 6 years! That is amazing! I am so jealous of what they know about this country and how beautiful there Spanish is. I cannot wait to catch up and I plan to quickly. I'm already making a list of things I have to do here if I can find the time. It sounds like to me that starting tomorrow I'm not going to have much of it. I am so excited to get really started tomorrow.

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